Site announcements

International Day of the Midwife

by Happy Banda -

On the 5th of May, 2022 Nkhoma College of Nursing and Midwifery through sponsorship from the UNFPA attended the Celebrations of the International Day of the Midwife held at Santhe - Kasungu. The event was graced by the Minister of Health Honourable Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda - MP. In attendance from the college were 2 lecturers and 8 students. During the viewing of pavilions, our college showcased how we are implementing the curriculum through the use of Moodle-the eLearning platform. We had a display of the site and one of the students showcased how she is able to access the content using her mobile gadget.

We also showcased the items that we use in training our students on the practical aspect in the skills lab; these were the equipment used to practice Neonatal resuscitation, the maternal simulator for Abdominal-antenatal assessment, as well as the frame used to estimate Cervical Dilatation.

Clinical Learning Using The e-Learning Platform

by Happy Banda -

Be reminded that this platform is a very important supplement to your formal learning in the curriculum. You are therefore being kindly reminded that this can also aid in your clinical learning through the availability of different resources in your various course.

Make sure that you frequently login to access the new content being added.

Kind Regards.

Helping Baby Breathe Training

by Julia Phensere -

A picture showing students practicing the Helping Baby Breathe procedureOn the 1st to 2nd of September 2022, 8 2019 November Intake Students were taken through a training on Helping Baby Breathe(HBB). The Facilitator was Cindy Uttely an American Experienced Registered Nurse/Midwife. The trainings were done at Nkhoma Mission Hospital  conference room. The students were excited and participated actively during the training.