These courses include

  • Fundamentals of Nursing Theory
  • Fundamentals of Nursing Clinical
  • Ethics and Professionalism 
  • Communicable and Neglected Diseases 1

The course is designed to assist learners to acquire knowledge, skills, and appropriate attitudes required to provide healthcare services to healthy and sick children. Emphasis will be on the use of the nursing process and child-centred care concepts.

The course provides learners with knowledge, skills, and appropriate attitudes on management of trauma, emergencies and surgical conditions affecting the cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, gastrointestinal and urinary body systems in adults. Emphasis is placed on utilizing the nursing process, nursing theories and primary health care concept in the provision of care.

The course provides learners with knowledge, skills, and appropriate attitudes on management of surgical conditions affecting the central nervous, endocrine, reproductive and musculoskeletal body systems in adults. The course also helps learners understand activities and roles of care providers in theatre nursing, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), dialysis unit and High Dependency Unit (HDU). Emphasis is placed on utilising the nursing process, nursing theories and primary health care concept in the provision of care.

The course provides the learner with knowledge, skills, and appropriate attitudes on conditions and diseases affecting body systems. It focuses on management of medical conditions affecting the musculoskeletal, integumentary, endocrine, reproductive, central nervous systems and Ear Eye Nose and Throat system utilizing the nursing process and primary health care concepts.

The course introduces the learner to ethical, legal and professional conduct necessary for provision of nursing and midwifery care. It focuses on professional behaviour, responsibility and accountability.

The course provides the learner with knowledge, skills, and appropriate attitudes on conditions and diseases affecting Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Immune and Lymphatic, Gastro-intestinal, Urinary tract and Integumentary systems. It focuses on management of medical conditions utilising the nursing process and primary health care concept.

The course covers basic nursing care and fundamentals of behavioural sciences. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and appropriate attitudes necessary for the practice of nursing and midwifery utilising the nursing process and primary health care (PHC) concept

The course is designed to assist the learner apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes acquired from theory of medical nursing I in order to provide comprehensive care to patients, families, and communities with medical conditions in a variety of health care settings, utilizing the nursing process and Primary Health Care concepts.